Pre Trib or Post Trib?


Some people think that it doesn't matter what you believe Pri Trib or Post Trib. It's not a salvation issue. So it doesn't make any difference!

But is it so? Belief leads to behaviour! Right belief will help you have a right behaviour and wrong belief will get you in wrong behaviour and big trouble!

Let's see the implications of both Post Tribulation Rapture and Pri Tribulation Rapture beliefs:

Post Tribulation Rapture belief implications:

1. There is still time. Let's wait and see. If things get tough I will surrender my life to Lord that time. Let's enjoy right now. First Antichrist will come anyway. So there is time.

2. Probably Antichrist is already here? Barak Obama is Antichrist? Or is it Putin? Or even Biden or Donal Trump? It's so confusing? Nothing is happening?

3. If it's Putin or any of these guys?Seems we are already in Tribulation. Let's get ready!

4. Bad days are round the corner. Let's prepare. Let's store all ration and supplies. Let's hoard all necessary things. Let's hoard toilet papers for seven years.

5. Let's make an underground bunker for difficult days or nuclear war. Let's get all survival kits. Let's get all silver and gold for tough days of Tribulation. For protection let's get some guns and ammunition for any emergency.

6. Or even better let's leave US with family and go to some third world country or island and be safe there!

Pre Tribulation Rapture belief implications: 

None of the concerns, worries and stress as of above. Just live normal holy lives trusting Lord and waiting for the Rapture.



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